Sample Courses | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Sample Courses 

Narrative Medicine (3 credits):  A 13-week introduction to principles and practices, with close readings, writing assignments, and shadowing. Students learn methods of observation and communication, honing their ability to listen to stories and to tell them. 

Narrative Medicine Special Topics (Two 1-credit courses):  Students choose from a range of electives: Neighbors of North Philadelphia, Drawing at the Mutter Museum, Medical Improv Theater, Artful Thinking at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts, Reflections on Gross Anatomy and more.  

Literature and Medicine (2 credits):  An online curriculum, offered in Summer. Students read a selection of books (fiction and non-fiction) and participate in online discussions with faculty and classmates.   

Narrative Medicine and Clinical Practice I (2 credits):  Students reflect on range of topics experienced during clinical clerkships:  Adapting to hospital life, death and dying, spirituality, hierarchy in medicine, depression and stress management, etc. For non-MD students, coursework features reflective exercises tailored to the participant’s level of medical experience.  

Capstone Project (3 credits):  A customized project completed in the fourth or final year. 



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