Biostatistics Consulting Center

Biostatistics Consulting Center

The Biostatistical Consulting Service offers comprehensive statistical and methodological consultation in the areas of basic, clinical and translational research to Temple Health faculty, staff and students. Faculty biostatisticians and epidemiologists provide advice related to: study design, randomization procedures, sample size and power calculations, database development and statistical analysis. Assistance in the areas of IRB submission, grant development and manuscript preparation is also available. Collaborative partnerships with clinical investigators are welcomed. While initial consultations are provided at no cost, other financial arrangements including specific fees for service or grant support may be necessary.

Specifically, the following biostatistical expertise and consulting services are available:

  • Study Objective/Aim/Hypothesis development
  • Study design and methodology
  • Study population delineation
  • Study outcome/endpoint definition
  • Selection of appropriate controls or comparison groups
  • Sample size and power calculations
  • Randomization schedules
  • Data management strategies
  • Interim analysis for data safety and monitoring
  • Data analysis and hypothesis testing
  • Data presentation
  • Manuscript/conference abstract preparation or review
  • Grant proposal review and consultation
  • IRB proposal review


Authorship Policy


Co-authorship of scientific journal articles is expected on studies where substantive input on design and/or analysis is provided.


Susan G. Fisher, MS, PhD