
The overall objective of the Alzheimer’s Center at Temple (ACT) is to study the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias with the aim of discovering the mechanisms and pathways that are responsible for their onset and progression, and developing effective treatment strategies with one ultimate goal of defeating them.

To this end, ACT will engage in a variety of activities reflecting its four mandates: Research, Training, Clinical and Outreach.


Perform basic and translational research to better characterize the disease, identify risk factors and genetic links, elucidate molecular and cellular mechanisms in order to pinpoint the earliest brain changes responsible for the onset of the diseases and ultimately discover novel therapeutic targets to prevent, halt or cure them. Our discovery approach will always be characterized by a two-way path: from cell to animal model, to human and return. We sponsor seminars and meetings to promote scholarship, intra- and extra-mural scientific collaborations, and scientific ideas exchange.


Attract and train the new generation of basic scientists and physician scientist investigators in the AD field and entice them to join the ongoing fight against AD. The Center will offer different levels of training opportunities to students at various stages: high school students; undergraduate, graduate and medical students; post-doctoral fellows; residents; junior and senior investigators or physicians who are interested in joining this battle.


Work closely with clinical departments (Neurology, Psychiatry and Pathology) in an effort to improve the diagnostic process of AD. Participate in clinical trials involving promising new medicines, lifestyle interventions, and other treatments, as well as in longitudinal research following subjects with and without AD to assess biological changes over time.


Collaborate in the patient outreach, advocacy and education processes (i.e., newsletter, monthly lecture series, “ask-the-doctor” seminars). Partner with community-based organizations serving individuals with AD to provide scientific counsel and expertise.