Physician Assistant Program Mission, Vision, Goals | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Mission, Values and Program Goals

Temple PA Program Mission Mission

The mission of the Physician Assistant Program of the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University is to provide high-quality didactic and clinical education and training to our students while fostering a collaborative, supportive, and empowering learning environment. We are committed to developing compassionate, respectful, and culturally humble physician assistants who will deliver high-quality, patient-centered, evidence-based, accessible health care within their communities.

Core Values

  • Diversity
  • Inclusion
  • Integrity
  • Humanism
  • Professionalism

Program Goals

1. Support diversity and inclusion.

As one of the core values of the program, instilling an atmosphere of diversity and inclusion is essential to prepare the PAs of the future.

Outcomes measured:
The program will support a culture of diversity and inclusion by providing education and training in diversity and inclusion to 100% of students, ensuring that:
a. 100% of students complete LGBTQ Health Education Training Modules
b. 100% of students complete a 13-hour series of education on diversity and inclusion

Actual outcomes:
a. 100% of students in the Class of 2022 and the Class of 2021 have completed 4 hours of LGBTQ Health Equity Education Training Modules
b. 100% of students from the Class of 2022 attended a 13-hour series, in the PA Practice II course, which was developed by the Director, Diversity and Inclusion; this series includes topics which examine the multiple ways in which aspects of human diversity – ethnicity, race, class, sexual orientation, religion, abilities, and gender - shape socialization processes, identity development, and interpersonal relations.

2. Promote cultural sensitivity in the provision of care to a diverse community.

Physician assistants need to be comfortable and adept at managing patients from diverse backgrounds, with awareness and skill in providing culturally competent care.

Outcomes measured:
a. 100% of PA students will receive training in cultural sensitivity.
b. 100% of PA students will report that they are prepared to provide care to diverse communities upon graduation.

Actual outcomes:
a. 100% of students in the Class of 2022 and Class of 2023 received 4 hours of instruction in culturally competent communication with patients.
b. Graduation Exit Survey: For the following statement please select the answer that most closely describes your experience at the LKSOM PA Program: A deeper awareness of and sensitivity to interpersonal difference in age, ethnicity, cultural beliefs, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and spirituality and how they impact my practice of medicine.

  • Class of 2020 - 100% of graduates in this class who responded to the survey agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. (89% of graduates in this class responded to this question on the survey.)
  • Class of 2021 – 100% of graduates in this class who responded to the survey agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. (81% of graduates in this class responded to this question on the survey.)

3. Prepare highly trained physician assistants with a robust didactic and clinical curriculum resulting in high quality, compassionate, patient-centered care.

The mission statement of the PA program includes providing high quality education and training to our students.

Outcomes measured:
a. 5-year first time PANCE pass rate that meets or exceeds the national average.
b. Graduate Exit Survey – 100% of students agree that they are prepared (a great deal or a lot) to practice clinically.

Actual outcomes:
a. First time PANCE taker pass rates vs national averages

  • Class of 2018: LKSOM 100% first time pass rate; national average 98%
  • Class of 2019: LKSOM 100% first time pass rate; national average 93%
  • Class of 2020: LKSOM 100% first time pass rate; national average 95%
  • Class of 2021: LKSOM 90% first time pass rate; national average 93%
  • Class of 2022: LKSOM 89% first time pass rate; national average 92%

b. Graduation Exit Survey – For the following statement please select the answer that most closely describes your experience at the LKSOM PA Program. How well did the program prepare you for clinical practice?

  • Class of 2020- 92% of the graduates in this class who responded to the survey responded a great deal or a lot (89% of graduates responded to this question on the survey)
  • Class of 2021 – 96% of graduates in this class who responded to the survey responded excellent or very good (84% of graduates responded to this question on the survey.)

4. Encourage a high level of professionalism.

Professionalism is among the highest core values of the PA profession and our program. The program expects all students to demonstrate the highest degree of professionalism.

Outcomes measured:
a. Preceptors rate students in required clerkships above a 3.5/5 for Year 2020-2021 and thereafter. 100% of PA students will strongly agree or agree that they have a high personal standard of professionalism in behavior, attire, and practice upon graduation.

Actual outcomes:
a. Preceptor Evaluation of Students on Overall Professional Conduct - Student is ethical, compassionate, patient centered, and acknowledges limitations and mistakes.

Class of 2021 (mean from Likert scale 1-5)

  • Behavioral Medicine 4.6/5
  • Emergency Medicine 4.4/5
  • Family Medicine 4.8/5
  • Internal Medicine 4.9/5
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology 4.8/5
  • Pediatrics 4.7/5
  • Surgery 4.4/5

Class of 2022 (mean from Likert scale 1-5)

  • Behavioral Medicine 4.7/5
  • Emergency Medicine 4.3/5
  • Family Medicine 4.9/5
  • Internal Medicine 4.9/5
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology 4.8/5
  • Pediatrics 4.6/5
  • Surgery 4.9/5

b. Graduation Exit Survey - For the following statement please select the answer that most closely describes your experience at the LKSOM PA Program. A high personal standard of professionalism in behavior, attire, and practice.

  • Class of 2020- 96% of graduates in this class who responded to this question agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. (89% of graduates in this class responded to this question on the survey.)
  • Class of 2021 – 96% of graduates in this class who responded to this question agreed or strongly agreed  with this statement. (84% of graduates in this class responded to this question on the survey.)

5. Cultivate collaborative patient care skills through integrated interprofessional education (IPE).

The delivery of quality patient care in the modern world requires a high degree of collaboration.

Outcomes measured:
a. 100% of students will participate in IPE training throughout both years of the curriculum with teams made up of medical, pharmacy, physical therapy, dentistry, and nursing students.
b. 100% of students will agree or strongly agree on the graduation exit survey that they are committed to collaborative practice after graduation.

Actual outcomes:
a. 100% of students participate in at least 5 hours of programmed IPE training with other professional students.
b. Graduation Exit Survey – For the following statement please select the answer that most closely describes your experience at the LKSOM PA Program. A strong commitment to collaborative practice.

  • Class of 2020- –100% of graduates in this class who responded to this question on the survey agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. (89% of graduates responded to this question on the survey.)
  • Class of 2021 – 100% of graduates in this class who responded to this question on the survey agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. (84% of graduates responded to this question on the survey.)

6. Develop the skills needed to be effective life-long learners.

The program expects all students and graduates to develop and exhibit lifelong learning skills, which are the foundation to providing evidence-based medical care.

Outcomes measured:
a. 100% of students will achieve passing scores on the Capstone project in the Scholarly Clinical Research II course.
b. 100% of students will achieve passing scores in the Introduction to Scientific Inquiry Course.

Actual outcomes:
a. 100% of students in the Classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 scored a passing grade on the Capstone project in the Scholarly Clinical Research II course.
b. 100% of students in the Classes of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 scored a passing grade in the Introduction to Scientific Inquiry course.

For more information about the Physician Assistant Program's accreditation status, please view the Accreditation Statement.