Student Health Information | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Student Health Information

Pre-matriculation Immunization Requirements

Prior to medical school matriculation, students will receive a letter and two forms. The first form is an immunization record. After completion of this form, students are asked to submit the laboratory reports of titers/antibodies that verify immunity to infection with:

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, and Hepatitis B.
  • The date of the last Tetanus/Diphtheria booster shot is also needed (within the last ten years).

The second form is a physical form and must be completed by a healthcare provider and sent to:

Temple University Student Health Services 
Student Faculty Center, Lower Basement, Rm. 43 
3340 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140
(215) 707-4088 Phone
(215) 707-2708 Fax

All students are required to have an annual Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD). This testing must be done in Student Health Services upon arrival to campus. Scheduling will be determined at that time.

Student In-House Health Services

Basic health care for students is available through the Student Health Services office at Temple University Health Sciences Center, located in the Student Faculty Center at Broad and Ontario Streets. The service is designed to offer students easily accessible care at low costs. Routine appointments, same-day care and referrals for specialty care are available. 

**During times when Student Health Services is closed, the Emergency Department will give students with non-urgent problems as much priority as possible. However, our Emergency Department has a very high percentage of emergency and urgent cases. Students, therefore, must be aware that there may be a substantial wait for a non-urgent problem.

To facilitate your being seen in the Emergency Department in as timely a fashion as possible, you should go to the Triage Office, identify yourself as a medical student and bring your insurance card with you. The Emergency Department is not to be used in lieu of Student Health Services.

Student Health Services Staff:

Dorrit Sterner, MD
John Thomas, RN

Dental Services

Dental School Clinic: 215-707-2900

  • No discount is offered
  • Emergency care Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (first-come, first-serve)
  • Routine and specialty care by appointment

For urgent dental care at nights, weekends, and holidays, go to the Emergency Department, Temple University Hospital.

Mental Health Services

LKSOM Student Mental Health Services

Confidential behavioral health services provided including: Psychiatry, Educational assessments, Psychotherapy, Substance Use assessments, Mindfulness training, Psychological Assessments. Services are provided free of charge. Philadelphia appointments are available on the Health Sciences Campus, on Temple Main Campus, and in Center City. For an initial appointment, please call 215-915-7276. 

More Information 


Infection Disease Prevention

Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens Training

Through the Directors of Occupational Health and Infectious Disease, and Student Health Services, the Lewis Katz School of Medicine has implemented a comprehensive program of education about methods of prevention and control.

The Year I class receives bloodborne and airborne pathogens training during orientation. Year II students have instruction about infection prevention and control, basic infection and prevention control principles and practices and more in-depth discussion about HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C as they relate to occupational exposure issues during block 7, at the beginning of the year. Annual training also takes place for Year III and IV students. The schedule of training for Years III and IV students is announced in a mailing prior to a class meeting.

These measures have been developed to best assure that students are given appropriate education about preventing exposure to infectious and environmental hazards and to best support the students and the patients with whom they come in contact.

Policy Regarding Medical Students and High Risk Infectious Diseases, such as Ebola

LKSOM medical students should avoid interacting with patients with possible Ebola or similar high risk infectious diseases. As a result:

  1. No LKSOM medical student is to interact with a patient who has been diagnosed with Ebola or a similar high risk infectious disease.
  2. No LKSOM medical student is to interact with a patient who has been quarantined because of exposure to Ebola or similar high risk infectious disease until that quarantine is lifted.
  3. No LKSOM medical student is to interact with a patient who has a positive screen for Ebola or similar high risk infectious disease.
  4. Students are advised not to travel to any location that the CDC has classified as a level one or level two travel risk. No LKSOM sponsored experience will take place in any location that the CDC has classified as a level one or level two travel risk related to Ebola or a similar high risk infectious disease.

Students should be involved in discussing care parameters regarding patients with Ebola or similar high risk infectious diseases; however, there is no need for students to be exposed to patients with such infections. To prepare students as well as possible:

  1. The Associate Dean for Academic Affiliations will work with the affiliates to make sure they are aware of our policy and will obtain their institutional specific protocols.
  2. The Senior Associate Dean for Education will work with clerkship directors and Family Medicine sites to be sure they are aware of and able to comply with our policy.
  3. Fourth year students doing away electives should make themselves aware of the local hospital policy upon arrival. Students should familiarize themselves with the personal protective equipment available and practice universal precautions. If, at any time, a student is uncomfortable with his/her responsibilities during the rotation, s/he should feel free to contact Dr. Gerald Sterling.
  4. Clinical experiences for the first and second year students will be altered as needed by Dr. Denise Salerno. 

Policies may change depending on the nature of the infectious disease risk. LKSOM follows appropriate CDC recommendations in order to keep all of our health care workers and trainees safe. 

What to Do in the Event of:

Needlestick Injury:

In the event of a needlestick injury, the incident should be reported to the attending physician and/or clerkship director if possible. Within the Temple Health System, immediately go to Temple Occupational Health Services during regular business hours - Temple University Hospital Basement, Rock Pavilion (215)707-4455. On nights and weekends, proceed to the Emergency Room. Be sure to follow the claim submittal instructions for the student Accident Insurance policy as described in the Accident Insurance section of the student handbook. Follow up care is managed by Student Health Services. All decisions regarding source patient testing, student testing and prophylactic treatment will follow CDC guidelines; which are in compliance with University guidelines.

For students at affiliate campuses, please refer to Appendix B.

Exposure to Infectious Materials/Environmental Hazard:

In the event of exposure to infectious materials, including exposure to blood, body fluids, etc. or an environmental hazard, the protocol is the same as with needlestick injury.   Report the incident to the attending physician and/or clerkship director and proceed to Temple Occupational Health Services if during regular business hours.  If the incident occurs at night or on the weekend, go to the Emergency Room.  Advise that you have the student accident insurance.  Follow-up care is managed by Student Health Services.  All decisions regarding source patient testing, student testing and prophylactic treatment will follow CDC guidelines; which are in compliance with University guidelines.

Student Insurance Information

Health Insurance

It is medical school policy that all students are required to carry health insurance. As a medical student you have the following options:

  • Enroll in one of the University sponsored plans or 
  • Provide proof of coverage from an outside insurance company. If you have coverage from an outside insurance company you MUST complete an annual Waiver of Insurance and Certification of Outside Health Insurance Coverage form during the open enrollment period. 

Health Insurance Options

University sponsored plan options, monthly premiums, enrollment/waiver process and student health insurance requirements can be found on the HR website at:

Health Insurance Billing

If you elect any type of coverage during the open enrollment period, a bill will be sent to the address you provided during the enrollment process. You will be responsible for paying the monthly premiums directly to Independence Blue Cross.


If outside health insurance is lost for any reason, you should contact Joanne Handler at or (215)707-7846.

Student Accident Insurance

All medical students are enrolled in a supplemental accident plan that reviews incidents such as needlesticks, sharp injuries, etc. The claims administrator of this policy is A-G Administrators, Inc.

The student accident policy is not a health insurance plan. It is a supplemental policy that only covers injuries that result from an accident while performing required academic activities, and it coordinates the payments made from your health insurance.

If you sustain an injury as a result of a required academic activity, you must submit a claim under the student accident policy. To file a claim, you will need to complete a student accident claim form making sure to provide information about your health insurance. Claim forms that are missing information will delay the claim process. If necessary, A-G Administrators, Inc. will write to you directly to request additional confidential health information.

The claim form must be submitted within 30 days of the injury date. All claim forms must be submitted via mail or fax directly to A-G Administrators, Inc. Claims department and a copy must be mailed or faxed to the Temple University Benefits office.

Temple University Benefits Department

Attn: Geralyn O'Kane
TASB 083-39
1852 N.10th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19129
FAX: (215)926-2288

For questions regarding Student Accident Insurance, please contact Geralyn O'Kane at (215)926-2280 or Benefits Department at (215)926-2270. 

For further information on the Student Accident Insurance plan, please visit:

Long Term Disability Insurance

Long Term Disability Insurance is provided for all full time medical students.  The plans are provided by GE Group Life Assurance Company and are administered through the Benefits Office at Temple University. Students needing assistance filing a claim for disability insurance coverage should contact Joanne Handler at
Long Term insurance protects you from loss of income in the event that you are unable to work due to illness, injury, or accident for a long period of time.  Causes of long-term disability claims may include:

  • Musculoskeletal/connective disorders
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular/circulatory
  • Mental disorders
  • Nervous system-related
  • Complications from pregnancy and childbirth

Benefit eligibility begins after 180 days, or six months, of disability.
For more information, visit  

Liability Coverage for Medical Students

Temple University administers its liability insurance program through the Risk Management and Insurance Department. The following addresses liability coverage for medical students enrolled in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine, as it relates to curricular and non-curricular activities. 


Temple University provides students with liability coverage for programs taken for curricular credit whether at Temple University Hospital, an affiliated institution, or while on an external rotation if they are registered as a student. Liability coverage is also provided when an external rotation is taken for curricular credit at an institution that is not affiliated. Further questions regarding student activities, summer work projects or volunteer activities should be directed to Office of Student Support. Further questions about curricular issues should be directed to the Office of Medical Education.


Temple University provides liability coverage to student organizations of a professional nature but not to social and/or sports organizations unless those social organizations are taking part in a professionally related activity like health screenings. Examples of professional student organizations include Student Council, TEAC, Temple Cares, Prevention Point, AMSA, and SNMA. Examples of social and/or sports organizations include Soccer and Basketball. The University liability program applies only to registered student organizations. Therefore, it is highly desirable for all student organizations to register with the Student Activities office located in the Student Faculty Center on the 1st floor. Registration materials can be obtained there.

Any student organization undertaking an activity in the community must first obtain approval from the School of Medicine. The student organization is asked to consult with the Office of Student Support about the need for an informed consent waiver form. In general, any activity undertaken with minors (under 18 years of age) needs an individual informed consent waiver form to be signed by the participant’s parent or legal guardian. The signed forms will be kept on file in the Office of Student Support. A student organization undertaking an approved group program in the community (such as training on self-breast examination with a church group) is required to routinely communicate to the group that the information is presented as community service information and not prescribed medical treatment. Only approved community activities will have liability coverage provided by Temple University. Liability alleged to result from non-approved community activities is not covered.


Students working on research or as a medically related volunteer at Temple University Hospital or at an affiliated institution at the direction of Temple, whether in a paid or volunteer capacity, are provided coverage under the University's liability insurance policy. Examples of this include students working on a summer research project in a clinical department through the work-study program at Temple University Hospital or volunteering at Temple University Hospital.

Students who are directed by Temple University to work at affiliated institutions are also provided with liability coverage. However, without specific approval from Temple University through the Office of Education or Student Support at LKSOM, liability coverage does not extend to student research/volunteer activities at non-affiliated institutions. Some examples of activities that would not be covered except with specific additional approval include: students working on a summer externship program sponsored by a hospital in another state, working during the summer at the NIH, or working through federal work-study at an institution which is not affiliated with Temple. In those situations, students may or may not be covered by the institution/organization in which they are working. The student is responsible for knowing if they are covered. Before undertaking any such venture, it is advisable that students check with the institution/organization regarding professional liability insurance coverage and, if need be, the Office of Student Support.

Return to the Student Support page of the Medical Student Handbook