Life As a Temple Resident

  • Annual Resident Retreat: Attendings cover the floors for a day while all 4 residency classes get out of the hospital to bond! Past events have included brunch and apple picking, white water rafting, bubble ball, and paintball.

  • Night Team Tuesday Theme Nights: Every Tuesday, the night team brings in a buffet of goodies to go with their designated theme! Themes have gotten very creative, but some tried and true are Italian night, campfire night, and cereal night.

  • GIN Rounds: Attendings host dinner-and-drinks gatherings in their homes while we learn about OB/GYN topics.

  • Team Dinner: At the end of each block, teams meet up for dinner at one of the amazing restaurants in Philly to celebrate another block completed.

  • Departmental Events: Annual welcome BBQ at Dr. Hernandez’, department holiday party

  • Most weekends you can find us hanging out at Parks on Tap, one of our co-residents homes, or at a happy hour somewhere in the city. We also love to bike/run/leisurely stroll along the river or visit any number of cool museums/cultural experiences throughout the city. Residents live in all different neighborhoods around Philadelphia as you can see below:

Resources/links for Living in Philadelphia >>


Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram to see all of our adventures during residency together.

IG: templeobgyn_residency