Research Interests
Biostatistical applications related to study designs, clinical trials, case-control or cohort studies, repeated measures/longitudinal studies, time-to-event analysis, biomarker studies, missing data problems, joint modeling, functional response data, statistical modeling and diagnostics, and statistical consultations. My research activities focus on biostatistics and its applications in evidence-based biomedical research. With my research and collaborations, I hope to contribute to better treatments to diseases and improve the health of humankind.
Education, Training & Credentials
- PhD, Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2000
- MS, Probability & Statistics, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, PRC, 1987
- Past Treasurer, North Carolina Chapter, American Statistical Association
- Member, American Statistical Association
- ENAR, International Biometric Society
- The Society for Clinical Trials
- International Chinese Statistical Association
- Awards Fund Committee, Internation Biometric Society
- ASG Study Section, National Institutes of Health (NIH)