Jayashri Ghosh

Jayashri Ghosh

Jayashri Ghosh

  • Lewis Katz School of Medicine

    • Fels Cancer Institute for Personalized Medicine

      • Assistant Professor

    • Cancer and Cellular Biology

      • Assistant Professor

Research Interests

  • Epigenetics
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Assisted reproductive technology

We conduct epi-genomewide studies in colorectal cancer (CRC) and assisted reproductive technology (ART). We are interested in studying disparities (racial and age of onset) in the incidence and outcome of CRC. In the ART project, we are looking into various clinically modifiable factors that affects DNA methylation in children conceived through ART. We are also conducting longitudinal studies in the ART population.

Education, Training & Credentials

  • PhD, Genetics, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, India


NCBI Bibliography