Nora Jones, PhD

Nora Jones

Nora Jones, PhD

  • Lewis Katz School of Medicine

    • Urban Health and Population Science

      • Director

    • Center for Urban Bioethics

      • Associate Director and Associate Professor

Research Interests

My research interests center on embodiment, social and structural determinants of health, pain, and the role of cultural forces in health and illness.

Clinical Interests

I am an anthropologist and bioethicist interested in the intersection of critical social science, ethics, and biomedicine.

Education, Training & Credentials

  • PhD, Anthropology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 2002
  • BS, Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, 1994


  • American Anthropological Association
  • American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
  • Fellow, College of Physicians of Philadelphia

Honors & Awards

  • Awarded the Excellence In Education Award
    Graduate/Non-MD Professional Program Teaching Award, 2022


Dubé K, Peterson P, Jones NL, Onorato A, Carter WB, Dannaway C, Johnson S, Hayes R, Hill M, Maddox R, Riley JL, Shull J, Metzger D, Montaner LJ. "Community Engagement Group Model in Basic and Biomedical Research: Lessons Learned from the BEAT-HIV Delaney Collaboratory Towards an HIV-1 Cure” In Press. Research Involvement and Engagement (2023)

Reeves K, Jones NL. Ethical Challenges in Chronic Pain. Invited Submission to Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice. 49(3), 497-506. (2022)

Dubé, K., Kanazawa, J., Taylor, J., Dee, L., Jones, N., Roebuck, C., ... & Sugarman, J. Ethics of HIV cure research: an unfinished agenda. BMC medical ethics, 22(1), 1-14. (2021)

Jones NL, Nguyen J, Strand NK, and Reeves K. What Should Be the Scope of Physicians’ Roles in Responding to Gun Violence? AMA Journal of Ethics 20.1: 83. (2018)

Alicea-Alvarez N, Reeves K, Lucas M, Huang D, Ortiz M, Segal M, and Jones NL. Preparing future healthcare providers for “neighborhood-centered care”: A case study of an educational intervention. Journal of Urban Health 93.4:732-43. (2016)

Lucas MS, Barakat LP, Jones NL, Ulrich CM, Deatrick JA. Expectations for function and independence by childhood brain tumors survivors and their mothers. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4(3):233-51. (2014)

Lucas MS, Jones NL, Ulrich CM, and Deatrick JA. Meaning making and religiosity among survivors of childhood brain tumors and their caregivers: Beyond benefit finding when she doesn't fit the mold. Under Review, Social Science and Medicine

Alicea-Alvarez N, Reeves K, Lucas M, Huang D, Ortiz M, Segal M, and Jones NL. Preparing future healthcare providers for “neighborhood-centered care”: A case study of an educational intervention. Under Review, Journal of Urban Health

Lucas MS, Barakat LP, Jones NL, Ulrich CM, Deatrick JA. Expectations for function and independence by childhood brain tumors survivors and their mothers. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2014; 4(3):233-51.

Jones NL. A visual anthropological approach to the ‘edutainment’ of Body Worlds. Am J Bioethics 2007; 7(4): 40-2

Sankar P, Karlawish J, Jones NL. Evaluating Existing and Emerging Connections Among Interdisciplinary Researchers. Bioscience 2007; 57(11): 965-72.

Sankar P, Wolpe PR, Jones NL, Cho MK. How do Women Decide? Accepting or Declining BRCA1/2 Testing in a Nationwide Clinical Sample in the United States. Community Genet 2006; 9(2): 78-86.

Sankar P, Jones NL. ‘To tell or not to tell: primary care patients’ disclosure deliberations.’ Arch Intern Med 2005; 165:2378-83.

Sankar P, Moran S, Merz JL, Jones NL. Perspectives on Medical Confidentiality: A Review of the Literature. J Gen Intern Med 2003; 8(18): 659-669.

Jones NL, Takaragawa S. Anthropology, Representation, and Museums. Ethnoscripts, special edition of Visuelle Anthropologie 2003; 5(1): 35-47.

Book Chapters
Jones NL. Symbolic Encounters in Communicating Pain. In Miller, R (ed) Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care, 2nd edition. New York: Springer (2019)

Jones NL. Representations of the Body in Pain: Anthropological Approaches. In Miller, R (ed) Handbook of Pain and Palliative Care. New York: Springer, 2012.

Jones NL. Embodied Ethics: From the Body as Specimen and Spectacle to the Body as Patient. In Lees, F (ed) A Companion to the Anthropology of Bodies/Embodiments. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2011

Jones NL. The Importance of Embodiment in Transplant Ethics. In Ravitsky, Fiester, and Caplan (eds) The Penn Center for Bioethics Guide to Bioethics. New York: Springer, 2009

Sankar P, Jones NL. Chapter 6: Semi-Structured Interviews in Bioethics Research. In Jacoby, L and Siminoff, L, eds Advances in Bioethics, v11: Empirical Methods for Bioethics: A Primer. London: Elsevier Ltd, 2008.

Other Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Jones NL. 2020. A short primer on Urban Bioethics. 2/9/2020. (Medium)

Jones NL 2019. Redefining Autonomy (with the help of a Slinky©). 10.20.2019. (Medium)

Strand NK and Jones NL. 2017. Response to the Common Rule Special Issue: Attention to Health Disparities. American Journal of Bioethics blog. 9/6/2017. (Blog - Response to the Common Rule Special Issue: Attention to Health Disparities - Bioethics Today )