Making Alumni-Student Connections

Making Connections for the Future of Medicine

Making Alumni Connections - HeaderAs the education and practice of medicine advances, our exceptional Alumni community is one of the greatest resources for today’s students. What do you wish you had known as a first, second, third or fourth year medical student? What advice do you wish you had followed? What did you need to discover on your own?

Through the Alumni-Student Connections programs, alumni are invited to reach out and share your insights, experiences and support with students as they navigate the distinction, commitments, challenges and responsibilities of becoming Temple Made physicians. 

Second and Third Years – Casual Conversations

Enjoy a casual conversation with our most engaged students without leaving the comfort of your home. Host an intimate Zoom session with a small group, matched based on your experiences such as transitioning to clerkship, selecting a specialty and more.

To sign up, contact Anne Carlin, Director of Alumni and Constituent Engagement at .

Topics of Interest Include:

  • Transitioning to Clerkship
  • Selecting a Specialty
  • Navigating Couples Match
  • Being a Minority in Medicine
  • How to Choose a Schedule

STUDENTS: Please submit additional topics to .


Fourth Years – In-Depth Discussions on Residency Interviews

Offer perspective and a sounding board for fourth year students as they prepare for their residency interviews. Through one-on-one connections, you can provide interviewing advice and insight on your specialty and on residency locations.

Fill out our form to share your information and our Alumni Office will look for a match!

STUDENTS: Complete this form to be paired with an Alumnus!