Internal Medicine Residency Program Residents as Teachers and Leaders (RaTL) | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Residents as Teachers and Leaders (RaTL) Curriculum

At Temple we provide our residents with formal training in teaching and leadership skills so that they can graduate from our program with the tools to be outstanding clinicians, teachers, and leaders in medicine. To accomplish this, residents participate in a longitudinal Residents as Teachers and Leaders (RaTL) curriculum that runs through all three years of training. The goals of this curriculum are: 

  • To help residents develop the skills needed to become effective clinical teachers. 
  • To help residents develop the skills needed to become effective team leaders. 
  • To prepare residents for careers in medical education. 
  • To give residents the time and space to reflect on their own career development as well as the role they play in the career development of their trainees. 
  • To foster a sense of community in our residency program. 
  • To help residents find meaning in their work as physicians. 

A highlight of the RaTL curriculum are the annual winter retreats. Each class participates in their own unique retreat that includes didactics, case-based discussions, and small group reflection sessions. Coverage of clinical responsibilities is arranged for the day so that all residents can participate. Traditionally, this also includes protected time for a class “night out.” The PGY1 and PGY2 classes both have a second retreat in the spring focused on the transition to their next year of training.

Residents as Teachers and Leaders in social settings