The Medical Student Program in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery offers introductory and advanced clinical rotations for 3rd and 4th year medical students in addition to research preceptorships for 3rd and 4th year medical students.

Medical students may experience clinical otolaryngology through two-week rotations in the Department during their surgical specialties course. Students interested in an in-depth exposure, especially those considering Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery as a possible residency choice, may spend a month on the adult and pediatric otolaryngology services at Temple University Hospital, the department’s satellite office in Rydal, Pennsylvania and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children as sub-interns. Enrollment is limited to 2 sub-interns at any time. Sub-intern students will spend time with faculty members of various sub-specialties in their clinical offices, as well as observe and assist in surgical procedures as appropriate.

Medical students may address any questions regarding the rotation to the Department of Otolaryngology at 215-707-3665.