Other Medical Education Opportunities | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Other Medical Education Opportunities

Aside from our formal Residents as Teachers and Leaders (RaTL) curriculum, there are several unique opportunities for residents to gain additional teaching experience. These include:

Teaching Resident Elective

During this elective, residents have the opportunity to develop and refine their small-group teaching skills. Responsibilities include creating and delivering multiple, interactive, case-based conferences to third-year medical students on their medicine clerkship. Residents also participate in the students’ simulation sessions and provide support to students who need extra coaching during the rotation. There is also the opportunity to directly observe students at the bedside to hone residents’ skills in teaching the physical exam and providing feedback.

Teaching-Intensive Sub-Intern Service

The general medicine sub-intern (sub-I) service is an intensive teaching experience for PGY-3 residents. Residents on this service supervise 2 sub-interns without PGY-1 residents. The teams carry a full load of patients and participate in the regular call cycle.