Faculty Development Research Awards Application Instructions | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Application Instructions

The application should be assembled in the order listed below.  Use Arial 11 point font, single space.  The margins should be at least 1 inch on all sides with the page number and applicant name in the upper right hand corner of each page.  The following nine sections will comprise the award application.

  1. Title Page. Fill out this form.
  2. Abstract. Limit to 350 words and to only one page, preferably double spaced.  Use the abstract to summarize the proposed research plan and career development plan.
  3. Research Plan. This section should follow the NIH guidelines and be divided into sections of a) Specific Aims; b) Research Strategy including Significance/background, preliminary studies, Innovation, Approach; c) References.  The proposed research should be clearly outlined.  In general, this should be a series of linked aims developed about a common theme.  Clearly state the research hypotheses to be addressed, the immediate objectives of the research, and the ultimate goals.  Give details of the research plan, including the methods to be used, the kinds of data that are to be collected, and how the data will be analyzed.  For clinical studies involving patients, provide inclusion/exclusion criteria and sample size estimates.  Anticipated experimental problems and alternative approaches should be discussed.  Academic course work is strongly encouraged as part of this developmental award and should also be mentioned in this research plan.  Specific courses should be delineated.  A time table for the project should be included.  There is a 6 page total limit to this section excluding the references using Arial font 11 point single space, 1 inch margins. 
  4. Budget. Begin on a separate page, indicate how the funds of this award will be allocated and justify each budget item.  The majority of this award will be used for salary support of the candidate based on his/her base salary (not including fringe benefits) and at least 50% effort.  Remaining funds can be used for supplies and/or equipment.
  5. Biosketch. Provide these for the candidate and research mentor.  Use NIH format and adhere to the NIH four page limit for each biosketch.
  6. Research Support. List this information for both the candidate and the research mentor.  List the title of project, funding agency, annual funding amount, and duration of award.
  7. Candidate’s Statement. This should describe the anticipated benefits of this Development Research Award to candidate’s career development.  It should describe how the proposed research, course work, and additional scientific training will help the candidate reach his/her overall career goals.  This letter should describe their current time commitments for research, clinical activity and administrative functions and describe how this will change with receiving this award funding.  Limit to 2 pages.
  8. Letter of Commitment from the applicant’s Section Chief. This letter should indicate strong commitment from the Section to support the candidate by providing time for research and adequate research facilities.  The letter must certify that the award will provide at least 50% protected time to the recipient.  The letter should detail clinical, teaching, and administrative duties that will comprise less that 50% of the candidate’s time.  The letter should summarize the candidate’s attributes and assess the impact of this award on the candidate’s career development.  The section chief should also describe the impact of the award on their section and how the reduced clinical load of the applicant will affect the section.  Limit to 2 pages.
  9. Letter from Research Mentor. The research mentor will help guide and nurture the candidate in his/her research and assist in their career development.  This letter should provide an overview of the candidate’s research project and the plans for the career development of the candidate.  It should also state that the preceptor is prepared to devote the necessary time and effort to training and supervising the candidate.  Mention should be given to the frequency of meetings with the award recipient, techniques the candidate will learn, the candidate’s use of the mentor’s laboratory equipment, and possible use of research personnel.  Limit to 2 pages.
  10. Appendix. This section, if used, is a one page listing of up to 10 items of additional material that the applicant could provide if asked to help supplement the review of the grant.  The Chair of the DOM Research Committee will let the applicant know if any of the listed additional material is needed.  Do not send this appendix material with original grant application. Critical material for understanding and reviewing the grant (i.e., tables, photographs, etc) must be included in the 10 page research proposal.