Temple University Department of Medicine Medical Student Research Travel Award | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Medical Students Travel Award


The purpose of this award is to provide travel funds for medical students to present their research at national meetings. We hope to encourage medical students to perform and present meaningful research, whether basic, clinical or translational, during their medical studies.


There are 3 awards of $2,000 each that will be awarded to medical students each year, to be used to support travel costs (registration, accommodation, meals and plane/train fare) incurred for presentation of research results in National Meetings. Funding is available for up to three awards for each academic year (July 1 to June 30).


  1. Medical students registered as full-time at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University are eligible.
  2. Research can be basic, clinical or translational. Single case reports are not eligible.
  3. Research mentor must have primary faculty appointment in the Department of Medicine.
  4. Research must be presented (oral or poster) at a National Meeting. Meetings of Local Chapters are not eligible.

Application Procedure

  1. Abstract plus the letter of acceptance for presentation at a National Meeting should be forwarded to the Department of Medicine Research Committee at least 4 weeks before the date of travel for funding.
  2. Department of Medicine Research Committee will review the abstract and applicant, the quality of research, and recommend to the Chair of the Research Committee for the Research Prize.