Motility Fellowship | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Motility Fellowship

Note: We will be accepting applications for the Temple GI motility fellowship for the academic year 2025-2026 starting July 1, 2024

Temple Gastroenterology Department offers a unique, one-year, non-ACGME-approved Fellowship in Motility Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract.

Candidates are not required to register with ERAS but are given consideration based on careful review of their academic credentials, including Letters of Recommendation, USMLE scores, research activities and a personal statement. Candidates may apply who have an expressed desire to pursue Motility Disorders as an ultimate goal either prior to entering a traditional three-year GI Fellowship or after completion of a Fellowship. This position is highly regarded, competitive, and supportive for further training in a career in gastroenterology. Few institutions offer such a training opportunity.

Applicants are encouraged to contact:

Applicants to Temple's Fellowship Program are encouraged to contact one of the above two individuals directly expressing their interest.  An introductory letter detailing the reasons of the applicant for the GI motility fellowship and a CV starts the application process to the GI motility fellowship. We invite selected individuals for interviews.  Eventually, two letters of support are needed.

The Temple University Hospital GI Motility Laboratory is acknowledged to be a Motility Center of Excellence by the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society.  Our center performs a vast array of GI motility tests for patient evaluation. These include 1) high resolution esophageal manometry (HREM), 2) Esophageal pH and Impedance Monitoring (EpHI), 3) Bravo capsule pH monitoring, 4) EndoFlip of the LES and pyloric sphincters, 5) FLIP for endoscopic esophageal manometry, 6) antroduodenal manometry, 7) multichannel electrogastrography (EGG), 8) breath hydrogen testing for lactulose, lactose, glucose, fructose), 9) secretin stimulated gastrin levels, 10) high resolution anal manometry (HRAM), 11) anal manometry biofeedback, 12) H pylori breath testing.  We have three rooms for the procedures (esophageal manometry and pH room, anal manometry room, and breath testing room).  Each day, we have a nurse, a GI technician performing the procedures from our pool of 3 nurses and 3 technicians.  We have a GI motility fellow each year that helps to perform and interpret the tests.  We have three faculty attendings involved in GI motility (Drs Parkman, Malik, Malamood) that interpret the tests performed on a daily basis. 

GI Motility Fellow Activities and Responsibilities

The GI motility fellow will be involved in several aspects during this one-year position. 

  1. GI motility tests and procedures – The GI motility tests include, but not limited to: esophageal manometry, esophageal pH monitoring (catheter and capsule), anal manometry, anal manometry biofeedback, breath hydrogen tests, wireless motility capsule, EndoFLIP, small bowel manometry, H pylori breath testing, secretin stimulated gastric levels, and others.  The GI motility fellow will learn how the tests are performed, interpreted, and effect patient management.  The GI Motility Fellow performs the anal manometry and biofeedback sessions.  The tracings and test results are initially read by the GI Motility Fellow on the day they are performed, and then reviewed that afternoon with one of the GI Motility Attendings (Drs. Parkman, Malik, Malamood). 
  2. Capsule endoscopy are supervised by the GI motility fellow and first read by GI motility fellow then reviewed with Drs. Krevsky, Malik, Bhuta.
  3.  Research in the area of GI motility working primarily with Drs. Henry Parkman and Zubair Malik.  Personal research project(s) will be performed as well as helping others with research.  There is a weekly GI Motility Research conference Monday afternoons 5:00 pm.
  4. Conferences that are run by the GI motility fellow with the GI Motility Attendings are our GI Motility Conference once per month (third Monday of the month at 7 am), our GI Research Conference weekly (Mondays at 5:00 pm), and our biweekly Esophageal Conference (first and third Thursdays at 5:30 pm).
  5. Help teach GI Fellows rotating in GI Motility laboratory.  This includes the Temple fellows and outside fellows in the ANMS Clinical Training Program. 
  6. Attending other conferences.  The GI Research conference is held monthly. The DOM Research Curriculum is held monthly.  Attend and participate.

    Other areas that may be of interest to you, but not required


  7. Shadowing the GI motility attendings:  Office hours seeing outpatients, endoscopic procedures.  This will help in seeing how to approach patients with GI motility disorders
  8. Attending other GI conferences to help with GI education – These may be of benefit for overall GI education. These include the GI Journal Club, GI Grand Rounds, Pathophysiology.
  9. Watching GI endoscopic and surgical procedures. Endoscopic procedures include Bravo pH placement, Botox injections of LES and pyloric sphincter, EndoFLIP procedures, pneumatic dilation for achalasia. Surgical procedures include Heller esophagomyotomy, Nissen fundoplication, gastric stimulator implantation, pyloroplasty, POEM, G-POEM, TIF.