Residency Program

Residency Program

A message from Gary F. Domeracki, MD, FACS
Associate Professor, Clinical Ophthalmology
Program Director, Ophthalmology Residency

Dr. Gary DomerackiThe Temple Ophthalmology Residency Program offers a broad clinical and surgical experience, with a superb faculty and great research opportunities. But lots of programs have these things. What does Temple have that you won't get anywhere else? 

In my three years as a resident here, I found a level of compassionate care that I believe no other program can match. We care for a deeply underserved patient population at Temple, and we offer them the highest standard of care. We encounter new and unique challenges every day, and it's the comradery, compassion, and drive of the faculty, residents, and staff that lets us find solutions.

I was so impressed with my Temple Residency that I returned to join the faculty.

Gary F. Domeracki, MD, FACS