Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Residency Program Basic Science Research | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Basic Science Research

  • Uma Sriram, PhD
  • Wenzhe Ho, MD, PhD
  • Yuri Persidsky, MD, PhD 
  • Raghava Potula, MHA, PhD
  • Carmen Sapienza, PhD
  • Servio Ramirez, PhD
  • Slava Rom, PhD
  • Allison Andrews, PhD
  • Wenhui Hu, PhD

Residents in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine are strongly encouraged to participate in scholarly activities, as a natural outgrowth of training in anatomic and clinical pathology. Such activities may take the form of preparation of case reports for publication, the performance and analysis of special studies on clinical material, collaborative studies with members of other departments, or basic science investigations. It is expected that such studies will be done as joint projects with a supervising member of the Department or by collaborative arrangement with members of other departments. Residents intending to pursue full-time research as part of their residency training requirement must discuss their plans with the residency director; these plans should include research goals and expected time course, the faculty member(s) supervising the project, and any special requirements needed for project completion (such as funds for special supplies, equipment access, etc.). Rotations in the labs funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are available (covering neuroimmunology, neurovirology, effects of drug and alcohol abuse in CNS and immune system, cancer cytogenetics, among others).