Temple University Department of Emergency Medicine

Temple University Hospital serves as the primary site for Emergency Medicine training. The Department of Emergency Medicine houses 41 patient care spaces in the Main Emergency Department, and an additional 4 8 spaces in the Fast Track. The annual census is more than 80,000 adult visits and 15,000 pediatric visits, with service provided to a diverse population of critically ill and injured patients. 

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Pediatric Emergency Department rotations are performed at this prestigious hospital during each year. The Emergency Department houses more than 50 patient care spaces and has an annual census of 90,000 acutely ill and injured patients. CHOP is a pediatric trauma center and a regional poison control center.

St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

The St. Christopher’s Emergency Department handles more than 70,000 pediatric visits each year in 24 acute care spaces and a resuscitation bay. Shifts at St. Christopher’s are spaced throughout the year to build upon the pediatric EM skills attained during the CHOP rotations, and to enhance pediatric EM skill and knowledge retention on a year-round basis. All resident shifts are performed in the “resuscitation” zone of this ED.  St. Christopher’s is a pediatric trauma center, and houses the only dedicated pediatric burn facility in the area.

Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus

PGY-2 and PGY-3 Emergency Medicine rotations are performed at Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus located approximately 20 minutes northeast of main campus. The Emergency Department at Jeanes Campus has an annual census of approximately 40,000 mixed adult and pediatric high-acuity patient visits. Jeanes Campus ED also serves as the emergency department for the world famous Fox Chase Cancer Center, which is directly attached to Jeanes Campus.

Temple University Hospital – Episcopal Campus

PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents rotate through this community division of Temple University Hospital. The Emergency Department has an annual census of 50,000 patients. The Emergency Department has 13 patient care spaces, and 24- hour, double coverage by Board Certified Emergency Physicians. During this rotation, residents have the opportunity to become comfortable caring for patients in an ED without subspecialty coverage immediately available, and manage airway emergencies and rapid-responses throughout the inpatient and outpatient areas of this hospital.