Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Frequently Asked Questions | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why choose Temple?
A: We help our residents become excellent psychiatrists while encouraging academic curiosity, compassion towards others, and fostering well-being. The program is fast-paced, and one can expect to see a wide breadth of psychiatric illness throughout training. We are also psychodynamically-minded with a heavy emphasis on psychotherapy training. Lastly, we want each resident to pursue something they love. Whether it be community psychiatry, urban bioethics, or psychodynamic psychotherapy (and everything in between), we do our best to support our residents and their individual academic interests.  

Q: Would I be a good fit for the program?
A: We care for a dense, disparate, and diverse patient population.  Our work is thought-provoking, exciting, but also challenging. We look for residents who like hands-on experience who are able to be flexible in challenging situations. We also have a culture of mentorship and supervision and look for residents who value feedback as an essential part of education. Our residents are a close-knit group and support one another at work and frequently hangout outside of work. Overall, if we could describe our residents in one phrase it would be: “work hard, play harder!” 

Q: What is the patient population like?
A: North Philadelphia is an ethnically-diverse area (including large latinx/Puerto Rican and black populations).  It is also an economically depressed area which has been greatly affected by addiction and the opioid epidemic.  In addition, Temple University attracts patients from the greater Philadelphia area. In short, the population we serve is diverse in many ways.  

Q: Is Philadelphia a good place to live?
A: Philadelphia is an awesome city with many different opportunities for residents to enjoy. There are plenty of tours, historic sites, parks, sporting events, bars, concerts, restaurants and museums to explore. Our location is ideal for quick weekend trips to other cities and beaches. Philadelphia is also an affordable city, so you won’t break the bank while enjoying what it has to offer!

Q: How does the house staff get to know each other?
A: There are many opportunities during training for residents at Temple to bond. The most popular events are informal happy hours, game nights, weekly T-group sessions for the interns, and special social events throughout the year. Visit our Instagram to see what we’ve been up to!

Q: Is there a mentoring program?
A: Yes, interns are assigned to an upper year resident as a source of information. This is one of many spaces for interns to ask common residency questions and/or voice concerns. In addition, our faculty are very open and love when residents come to them for mentoring.

Q: How many PGY-1 positions are available?
A: There are twelve PGY1 positions each year.

Q: Where do Temple’s interns come from?
A: Our residents come from all over the country and the world.

Q: By what criteria are house staff selected?
A: We look for applicants who value professionalism and teamwork. We also gravitate towards applicants that have a strong academic record, a wide range of interests, excellent academic potential and a commitment to the field of psychiatry.

Q: How often will I be on call?
A: More Information

Q: What do most of your residents do after completing the program?
A:  A large portion of our residents continue their training in subspecialty fellowships with over half of residents pursuing fellowship going into Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Others are very well prepared to begin their careers outside of residency in general psychiatry. Whatever the decision, Temple is supportive and prepares the residents well for their respective career goals. To learn more about our residents' post-residency plans, please visit our alumni page.

Q: What is the salary?
A: Next year’s salary has not been announced. The current salary information can be found at here.

Q: What is the department's approach to work hour reform?
A: We have a no-tolerance policy regarding work hour violations. Any duty hour violations are reported immediately and are acted upon to ensure that problems do not recur. We use New Innovations to log duty hours and vacation time.

Q: Are meals provided?
A: Money for meals is provided for you during your night float/call. Additionally, there is a resident suite that contains call rooms, computers, snacks and beverages.

Q: Are white coats available?
A: Yes, the department provides 3 long white coats to all house staff. You can request a new one every year. Name stamps are also provided to residents.  In recent years the department has purchased personalized fleece jackets for residents as well.

Q: Are scrubs available?
A: Yes, you can get a pair of scrubs from Temple University Hospital. It is a good idea to have more than one pair. We do not have a required color code while on call.

Q: Are lockers available?
A: Yes, they are in the resident suite. However, locks are not provided.

Q: Where will I practice outpatient psychiatry?
A: House staff practice at the Episcopal Hospital campus located at 100 E. Lehigh Avenue on the first floor of the Medical Arts Building. Your third year will be dedicated to outpatient for 12 continuous months. The practice has several dedicated faculty members to develop and oversee the educational experience. We place a strong emphasis on psychotherapy during the outpatient year of training.

Q: Is there a “scholarly requirement”?
A: Yes, you are required to complete journal club presentations, one M&M, and a grand rounds presentation prior to graduating. However, these should not limit your pursuit of other scholarly activities. Many Temple residents complete journal reviews of clinical topics, original work resulting in abstracts or manuscripts, laboratory experience and/or community service. Most residents become published or present at national meetings, which is supported by the department. For a list of the recent activity, look at our Departmental Publications and National Presentations page.

Q: Are there research electives?
A: Yes. Research electives are available to all trainees within the four year program. If interested, there is an optional research track available.