Appealing Grades and Promotional Decisions

Appeal of Grades and Promotional Decisions

Appealing a Course Grade/Evaluation 

1. Appeal to the Course/Clerkship Director 

A student who believes that a course grade is inaccurate or that an evaluation contains information that is inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate, must first appeal to the course director, in writing, within two weeks of having been notified of their final grade/evaluation. The course director, in consultation with the course teaching faculty, as appropriate, will review the grade/evaluation and notify the student in writing of the decision related to the appeal within two weeks of the appeal.

2. Appeal to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education

If the student is dissatisfied with the response to the appeal by the course director, they may appeal, in writing, to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education.  The written appeal must be made within seven days of receiving notice of the appeal decision from the course director. The decision of the Associate Dean is final and will be communicated in writing to the student in a timely fashion. 

Appealing Decisions made by the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee

Appeal through the Appeals Committee

Students have the right to appeal decisions related to promotion, remediation, probation, or dismissal made by the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee due to procedural irregularity and/or compelling circumstances not relayed to the ASPC during the decision-making process.  (see Procedures for Appeal of Decisions Made by the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee)

  • Procedural Irregularity - documented error in, or divergence from, application of the established grading and promotional policies
  • Compelling Circumstances - significant and documented situations that were beyond the student's control and that prevented the student from meeting academic and/or professional behavior (non-academic performance standards