A student must pass all courses to be promoted to the next academic year, subsequent phase of the curriculum and to graduate.
A student who fails more than two courses in Phase 1 is placed on academic probation and is referred to the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee. After successful remediation of the Fail grades, a student will be removed from academic probation.
A student who fails a course in Phase 2 or 3 is placed on academic probation and is referred to the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee. After successful remediation of the Fail grades, the student will be removed from academic probation.
A student who fails a course in more than one phase of the curriculum is placed on academic probation and will be referred to the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee.
At any point in the curriculum, a student on academic probation who fails a course, will be referred to the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee and may be considered for dismissal from the MD program.
When a student who has been placed on non-academic probation by the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee has an additional or ongoing concern raised about their professional behavior, they will be referred back to the Academic Standards and Promotions Committee and may be considered for dismissal from the MD program.
Conditions for which a Student may be considered for dismissal from the MD program
Failure of three courses in the Phase 1 curriculum
Failure of more than one course in Phase 2 or Phase 3 of the curriculum
Failure of courses in more than one phase of the curriculum
Failure of a course when a student is repeating a curricular semester or phase of the curriculum
Failure of a course while on academic probation.
Failure of USMLE Step 1 three times
Failure of USMLE Step 2 CK three times
Failure to maintain standards for professional behavior
Failure to complete the requirements of a phase within three calendar years
Failure to complete all requirements of the MD degree within six years of matriculation